Anti-Spam Policy

Brevo has a Zero Tolerance Policy Towards Spam

At Brevo, we believe that any email/sms or other solicitation must be legitimate and expected by their recipients. We are actively promoting this belief and are part of different associations spreading the same views, such as the Certified Sender Alliance (CSA) or Signal Spam.

That’s why we expect our customers to follow a few basic but mandatory rules when using our product and Services. In this regard, you must be sure to read and accept those rules before creating an account and starting using one of our Services. In any case, the following rules apply as soon as you create an account and/or start using our product and Services and shall be binding during our entire business relationship. They form an integral part of the General Conditions of Use of Brevo Services and apply to all Brevo Users.

Since a part of our Services are shared between many of our Users, such as IPs/domains for email sending, or phone numbers for SMS sending, we must ensure that nobody’s behavior or use of the Service is negatively impacting other Users. To avoid incidents on our shared infrastructure and provide a quality of Services up to our standards for all Users (whether using dedicated IP or not), we have to impose some restrictions on the usage of our platform.

As a consequence, non-compliance with our current Anti-spam Policy may result in the immediate suspension or restriction of your entire account or of certain services from your account, to prevent any damage to our reputation or to the global efficiency of our Services, in accordance with the suspension process described in our General Conditions of Use.

Consent of the recipients

As described in the introduction, at Brevo we believe that emails/SMS have to be expected by the recipients. That’s why the following rules must apply. These rules are not exhaustive and Brevo reserves the right to suspend the Account of its Users for any behaviors that are likely to impact the efficiency of the Service:

  • Bought & scraped lists are strictly prohibited
  • You must have the consent of your contacts, and it must be:
    • active: the contact has to check a checkbox to subscribe to your newsletter AND the registration checkbox CAN’T be pre-checked
  • explicit: the contact knows which kind of messages they will receive and for what purpose
    • specific: the opt-in can’t be provided via a unique checkbox used for multiple purposes (Terms of Service / Privacy Policy acceptation + newsletter registration for example).
    • there must be one checkbox per data processing purpose, meaning you must ask for explicit consent for the purpose of registering an email address or a phone number in a mailing/phoning list used for commercial prospection purposes.
  • Partner opt-in and co-registration must appear on the opt-in form: the name of all of the partners must be displayed (and easily available) and limited to 10
  • You must be able at any time to provide a proof of opt-in for each of your contacts
  • All of your marketing/bulk emails (meaning every email but the emails that are sent or triggered directly by an action of the user) must include an easily available “unsubscribe” link
  • All of your marketing/bulk SMS must include a process complying with the applicable law that allows the recipients to easily stop the sending of such communication

Prohibited content such as, but not limited to

  • Illegal activities
  • Illegal drugs
  • Counterfeit products, including drugs/medicines
  • Hacking programs
  • Instructions for assembling or creating bombs
  • Explosives or other weapons (whether or not it is a firearm)
  • Materials containing violence against children or which encourages violence
  • Any messages violating anti-spam laws such as, but not limited to CAN-SPAM, GDPR, LGPD, CASL
  • Hate speech and any forms of prohibited language (defamation, insult, slander, disparagement, etc.)

Content and industries not accepted on our platform

Over years of experience, we have noticed that some activities, despite not being strictly considered as illegal, generate very bad signals and a higher abuse/complaints rate than the usual average. To maintain the level of our services up to our standards for all customers, we have decided not to accept the following topics and industries anymore:

  • Any type of narcotic or psychotropic substances, notably based on or containing THC, whether their distribution and/or consumption is legal or not 
  • Exchange of currencies, fraudulent shares and stock market transactions
  • Home job offers making “get rich fast” promises, offers to make money passively or with no effort, financial packages and pyramid schemes
  • Sexually explicit pornography or e-commerce
  • Remedies for erectile problems
  • Bulk hiring solicitation (job boards sending to the largest amount of candidates as possible without any smart segmentation, candidate bulk sending job applications to companies)
  • Lists of a political character (consular, government lists, etc.) containing addresses of individuals who have not given their explicit consent to receive communications from an identified advertiser. The fact that an email address was given to a Consulate or Embassy shall not be considered as proof of an undertaking to opt-in.
  • Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
  • All forex trading related
  • Debt collection
  • Promote violence against or hate speech or directly attack or threaten other people
  • Misinformation (“Fake news”)
  • Security services doing “phishing simulations”
  • Use of unbranded shortened URLs in a SMS towards a US phone number


Sexually explicit content
We do not allow content that:

  • includes graphic sexual text, image, audio, video, or games.
    Examples: Sex acts such as genital, anal, and/or oral sex; masturbation; cartoon porn or hentai; graphic nudity
  • contains non-consensual sexual themes, whether simulated or real.
    Examples: Rape, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, snuff, lolita or teen-themed pornography, underage dating

Compensated sexual acts

We do not allow content that:

  • may be interpreted as promoting a sexual act in exchange for compensation.
    Examples: Prostitution; companionship and escort services; intimate massage; cuddling sites; compensated dating or sexual arrangements where one participant is expected to provide money, gifts, financial support, mentorship, or other valuable benefits to another participant such as “Sugar” dating

Industries/content requiring contact with support team

Other industries/content are regulated/sensitive and you must pass through a vetting process via our support team before starting to send:

  • Promotional CBD
  • Legal drugs, such as alcohol or tobacco
  • Promotional vaping
  • Promotional real estate
  • Blockchain-based products and services (cryptocurrencies, NFTs etc)
  • Weight loss
  • Gambling, casino and other money games
  • Dating services
  • Clairvoyance, fortune telling and astrology
  • Communications to contacts acquired from social professional networks like LinkedIn, Viadeo
  • Loan services
  • Lead generation services

In those cases, please report to [email protected] that you intend to send such content.

Subscribers / Recipients:

If you have received an unsolicited email from one of our users and you would like to unsubscribe and/or report an abuse, we will remove your email address immediately, investigate the sending account and take appropriate measures. You can contact us by email at [email protected] or by filling the following form. To know more, you can also read our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions, comments or would like to update your personal data on this website, please contact us.

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