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9up Digital
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9up Digital

Data-Driven Performance Marketing To Grow Your Business. We are a performance marketing agency based in Merano in the province of Bolzano - South Tyrol, specialising in the study and creation of strategies for online advertising campaigns. We collaborate with clients all over Europe, offering effective and targeted solutions for every type of business and sector. We build digital marketing strategies aimed at real business growth by developing scripts and algorithms that increase social interactions, visibility and sales, while decreasing advertising budgets.
Master Partner
Master Partner
Marion Zdesar - Marketingkomplizin für Brand, Design, und Web
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Marion Zdesar - Marketingkomplizin für Brand, Design, und Web

Schluss mit Technikfrust und kreativen "Ich weiß nicht wie"! Ich unterstütze Dienstleister, Coaches, Berater und Therapeuten dabei, ihre visuelle und technische Präsenz online wie offline zu gestalten und auszubauen. Im Rahmen meines Gesamtpakets ist die Newslettereinrichtung mit Brevo eines meiner Steckenpferde, um meinen Kunden zu Algorithmus-unabhängiger Sichtbarkeit zu verhelfen.
Master Partner
Master Partner
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B2B-Online-Marketing-Agentur für Marketingleute in Industrieunternehmen, die nachhaltig potentielle B2B-Kunden gewinnen wollen. Ihr vertreibt komplexe, technische Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die eure B2B-Kunden nicht einfach per Mausklick bestellen können? Du musst dein Online Marketing nachhaltig auf Kurs bringen, um qualifizierte Kontakte von potentiellen Kunden zu gewinnen? Dann bist du bei mir genau richtig. Ich bin Andrea Anliker und helfe B2B-Unternehmen, Brevo für die Gewinnung von Leads zu implementieren.
Master Partner
Master Partner
Rocket Conseil
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Rocket Conseil

Rocket Conseil est un studio web spécialisé dans le e-commerce, son automatisation et conformité dans le contexte du e-commerce, basé à Paris, depuis 2018. Adeptes des méthodologies Agile et Scrum, nous sommes expérimentés dans la gestion de projets de complexité variable. Nous aidons nos clients à : – définir leurs besoins ergonomiques en e-commerce en rédigeant un cahier des charges technique et fonctionnel ; – créer des expériences engageantes avec un développement web responsive ou mobile-first ; – optimiser leur e-retail en corrigeant les problèmes existants d’expérience utilisateur et de parcours de conversion et réduire les coûts opérationnels grâce à l’automatisation ; – évoluer à l'international avec le e-commerce transfrontalier (multilingue, multi-devises, multi-fiscalité, tarification spécifique au pays, prévision du paiement des droits de douane avant la livraison, référencement local, expédition internationale, conception interculturelle, …) ; – rester en conformité avec les directives RGPD, TVA, DSP2, accessibilité numérique et exigences techniques des moteurs de recherche ; – mettre en place des pratiques d'éco-branding, de conception web éco-responsable et de développement web durable (green IT). Nous offrons une large gamme de services liés à Brevo, comprenant : • Configuration et paramétrage technique du compte ; • Configuration de routage des emails transactionnels via SMTP ; • Configuration et chauffage de l'adresse IP dédiée ; • Migrations interplateformes et export / import de bases de données ; • Interfaçage dynamique avec une plateforme d’e-commerce (WordPress/WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Magento, etc.), incluant des attributs sur mesure (par exemple, date d'inscription, statut de commande, total de la commande, date de la dernière commande, quantité totale de commandes, données sur les produits dans les paniers abandonnés, source de trafic, visites de pages, codes promotionnels spécifiques utilisés ou non, abonnement à la newsletter sur la page de paiement, etc.) ; • Mise en place de formulaires d'inscription double opt-in ; • Segmentation des contacts en fonction des données disponibles ; • Rédaction du cahier des charges sur le périmètre du marketing automation (on propose des workflows à mettre en place et les détaille étape par étape) ; • Mise en place de workflows automatisés omnicanaux sur mesure (email, SMS, chatbot, Facebook Ads) de toute complexité.
Master Partner
Master Partner
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BrandCurb is a unified communications platform that empowers business owners and promotes business growth through services that strengthen brand identity, and sustainably promote online presence to increase engagement. We offer services to help small business enterprises from branding, website development, to digital marketing—and everything else digital in between.
Master Partner
Master Partner
eWallz Solutions
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eWallz Solutions

eWallz Solutions is an agency based in Malaysia. We are passionate about improving our client’s ROI. Our core expertise is Web Development, Web Design, Branding, Email Marketing, Whatsapp Marketing, SEO, PPC and Digital marketing including Facebook and Google Ad's. We specialise in CMS platforms like Shopify, Magneto 2, WordPress, Joomla, Laravel and Bespoke Platforms. We enjoy working with big numbers. We love seeing your results grow as much as you do, and we know how to streamline the process to get you there. We layout the strategy, and then experiment, test, and move quickly to deliver the returns you expect and more. We would be more than happy to have a quick call to understand more about your business and see how we can help you achieve your goals. Thank You eWallz Team
Master Partner
Master Partner
Nemuk AG
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Nemuk AG

Nemuk AG is an independent, owner-managed company based in Zurich. We offer solutions and services for digital dialogue marketing along the customer journey. Our focus is on acquiring new customers and maintaining existing ones. We focus on channels such as email marketing, marketing automation and multichannel marketing and have already realised over 500 projects for mainly national customers from all sectors. For Brevo customers, we offer consulting, account set-up, account review, template design and development and second opinions. Nemuk was founded on 1 February 2001 and has been owner-managed ever since. Our core team is supported by our freelancers and partners, with whom we enjoy working closely together.
Master Partner
Master Partner
True Brew Birdie Ltd.
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True Brew Birdie Ltd.

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Master Partner
Digitalfaktor Services
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Digitalfaktor Services

Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Web- und IT-Lösungen, die Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, ihre digitale Präsenz zu stärken und effizienter zu arbeiten Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen die Entwicklung benutzerfreundlicher Websites, leistungsstarker Webanwendungen und individuell gestalteter Softwarelösungen. Wir unterstützen Sie auch bei der Optimierung Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur und Cloud-Anwendungen, der Datenbankverwaltung und der E-Mail-Server-Architektur. Zudem bieten wir umfassende Expertise in weiteren Bereichen der Digitalisierung.
Master Partner
Master Partner
 Steffi Harms -
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Steffi Harms -

Ich möchte jedem Selbstständigen & Unternehmen, ganz gleich welcher Branche, die Möglichkeit geben zu werden. „Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht“, ist nicht meins. Die Dynamik des Internets und die zugehörige Wachstumsgeschichte der letzten 20 Jahre faszinieren mich im Besonderen. Wo sonst haben es Unternehmen wie Amazon, Google, Facebook & Co. jemals geschafft in kürzester Zeit dermaßen „groß“ zu werden? Es wurde die ganze Welt vernetzt und gewandelt. Die Möglichkeiten und auch Chancen sind immer noch gewaltig. • Webdesign (Wordpress) • Social Media (Facebook & Instagram), inkl. Ads • Google My Business • Recruiting via Social Media • E-Mail-Marketing (brevo) • Beratung / Vorträge, Schulung • online.sichtbar-Analyse • marketing.ticket •
Master Partner
Master Partner
Shopware Freelancer - Mateusz Zmuda
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Shopware Freelancer - Mateusz Zmuda

100% Shopware Freelancer Als Shopware Freelancer beantworte ich alle Fragen rund um das Shopware System. Ich betreue Onlineshops kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen und biete eine langfristige Supporthilfe an, damit sich Ihr Shop stetig weiterentwickelt.
Master Partner
Master Partner
Chet A. | Marketing Services
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Chet A. | Marketing Services

Are you in search of a Marketing Project Manager who can support your campaigns and ensure seamless execution? Well, your search ends here, because I'm here to bring your email marketing endeavors to new heights. My Approach: Values guide my work - Service over Sales, Honor over Hustle, and People over Process. This foundation shapes my commitment to delivering exceptional results that prioritize your needs. Expertise and Focus: Within the realm of Email Marketing, I possess a deep proficiency in Email Marketing Automation, Email Template Design, Contact Database Management, Cold Emails, and Market Research. Experience: Over four years in Email Marketing have honed my skills. I specialize in elevating conversion rates and generating leads through strategic campaign optimization, data-driven A/B testing roadmaps, and the creation of high-conversion landing pages. Holistic Expertise: Equipped with UX Design acumen, Conversion Optimization insights, and technical mastery of Email Marketing & Landing Page platforms, I craft compelling Landing Pages from existing wireframes or offer targeted conversion consultancy. Certifications and Recognition: Email Marketing professional, accredited by Sendinblue. Skill Set: My skills encompass a comprehensive range of Email Marketing activities - System Setup, Domain & Sender Authentication, Signup Form Design & Integration, Contact Integration with Third-Party Apps, Template Design, Landing Page Creation, Workflow Automation, Sequence/Drip Emails, Plugin Customization, and adept troubleshooting. Experience: My journey has cultivated diverse analytical, creative, and technical skills, equipping me to oversee the full email marketing lifecycle with finesse. This expertise empowers me to discern the optimal execution strategy, eliminating trial and error. I stand behind my results, ensuring delivery within agreed timelines. Next Steps: If this resonates with your needs, I'm eager to explore the possibilities. Let's connect to discuss execution strategies, timelines, and chart a collaborative path forward.
Master Partner
Master Partner
Daniel Paukowitsch
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Daniel Paukowitsch

Software development, consulting, and freelancing. From startup MVP planning and development up to freelancing and consulting for existing projects and helping your company to automate and digitalize processes.
Master Partner
Master Partner
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Société de Conseil et formation en Marketing Digital basée à Tahiti.
5.0 (2)
Master Partner
Master Partner
Irene Theiß
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Irene Theiß

Mach den Newsletter zu deinem wertvollsten Marketing-Instrument. Bei diesen Herausforderungen unterstütze ich Selbstständige, Vereine und kleine Unternehmen: Du möchtest mit deinem Newsletter starten und benötigst ein Anmeldeformular für deine Website? Du findest keine Zeit, regelmäßig Newsletter zu versenden? Du hast technische Probleme und sitzt schimpfend vor deinem Brevo-Account? Mit meiner Hilfe bekommen wir deinen Newsletter an den Start und deine Automatisierungen zum Laufen. So kann ich dir weiterhelfen 🚀 Einrichtungsservice für deinen Newsletter-Start oder Wechsel zu Brevo: 💬 Du kannst mit mir auf Stundenbasis arbeiten oder eine Einzelstunde buchen: 💁‍♀️ In der Newsletter-Membership bin ich als Brevo-Expertin stets an deiner Seite: 📑 Anleitungen und Tipps für Brevo findest du auf meinen Blog:
5.0 (1)
Master Partner
Master Partner
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ARPA3, une équipe d'experts à votre écoute qui vous accompagne dans vos projets e-commerce de toute envergure.
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Master Partner
Guillaume Holzer
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Guillaume Holzer

Je suis expert en migration des systèmes CRM et de parcours d'acquisition depuis FB Ads pour les ONG et organismes du monde de l'art.
5.0 (1)
Master Partner
Master Partner
Mikmac Estudio
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Mikmac Estudio

Nos especializamos en ayudar a empresas, emprendedores y profesionales que necesitan expandir su negocio a través de la web, email marketing y redes sociales. El objetivo, hacerles la vida más fácil. Sabemos que para muchos el mundo digital es un camino difícil. Constantemente nos encontramos con profesionales, muy capaces y talentosos, pero que no se llevan bien con la web y redes sociales. Durante más de 25 años nos dedicamos a brindar servicios de comunicación, ayudando a muchos profesionales, a conectar con su identidad y hacer crecer su negocio. Cada momento es una increíble oportunidad para aprender. Gracias a nuestros clientes, aprendimos a reconocer las necesidades que van más allá de “armar un sitio web”, que cada cual tiene algo para comunicar con una forma y un estilo propio. Y eso nos encanta. Si tienes alguna consulta para tu proyecto o negocio, puedes contactarnos. Con gusto estaremos en contacto.
Master Partner
Master Partner
DeSight Studio GmbH
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DeSight Studio GmbH

DeSight Studio® is a premier Munich-based eCommerce agency renowned for empowering brands to achieve global success on Amazon and crafting cutting-edge eCommerce solutions. Since 2015, we've been at the forefront of digital commerce, partnering with businesses of all sizes to optimize their online sales channels. Our expertise spans a comprehensive range of platforms including Shopify, Magento, Shopware, and WooCommerce, ensuring tailored, robust solutions that drive growth and innovation. As a trusted partner with credentials including Trusted Shops, Shopify, Amazon Pay, and Brevo, we leverage proven strategies and deep market insights to enhance your digital footprint. Recognized by Clutch as a "Top Advertising Company" in eCommerce for Germany, DeSight Studio® commits to transforming your online presence through meticulous planning, strategic execution, and continuous optimization. Our dedication to client success is underscored by our unique approach: we guarantee tangible results before payment is due, providing a risk-free partnership that prioritizes your satisfaction and business outcomes. Join the ranks of our long-term clients, some of whom have trusted us for over nine years, and experience the DeSight difference where innovation meets reliability in eCommerce solutions.
5.0 (1)
Master Partner
Master Partner
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asioso is an international digital agency with headquarters in Munich and offices in Banja Luka and Belgrade. As an award-winning top job employer, we are a full-service digital agency that works sustainably and trains its own junior staff. We ensure satisfied customers and exciting projects with unique digital experiences. In addition to many years of international project experience, our experts have recognised project management and leadership certifications. asioso GmbH is a digital agency with headquarters in Munich and offices in Banja Luka and Belgrade. We are not just consultants, creative thinkers and companions. We are innovative and customer-orientated co-thinkers and create digital experiences for our and their customers. We implement digital solutions, inspire and develop, copywrite and design. We think ahead and deliver quality. asioso is a digital agency with headquarters in Munich. Thanks to our many years of international project experience, we are able to realise our clients' wishes by using strategy, creativity and technology. As a result, we offer far-reaching digital solutions and connect companies with their customers in a positive and sustainable way.

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