Capture conversions with landing pages

Promote your brand
Promote your brand
Spread the word. Highlight special offers, products, services, and events with a custom landing page.
Collect leads
Collect leads
Grow your contact list and share gated content. Brevo makes it easy to add forms to any page.
Share the link
Share the link
Link to your landing page in emails, ads, and on social. Our mobile-friendly landing pages are built to be shared.
Build custom landing pages with Brevo

Do I need a landing page if I have a website?

Engaging audiences and meeting diverse needs is a challenge for websites, but when it comes to driving specific conversions from paid marketing campaigns, landing pages are the heroes. Landing pages are like strategic command centers in digital marketing. They stand alone, free from the distractions of your main website, and team up with your paid ads, email blasts, Google Adwords, and more. Together, they create a focused digital destination that echoes the call to action that first inspired your visitor's click. Plus, effective landing pages can boost lead generation by up to 50% and convert on average by 5%.
Do I need a landing page if I have a website?

The key to landing page success

Your landing page should focus on one clear objective. This objective needs to be crystal clear, straightforward, and consistent to avoid confusing your visitors. Every piece of information on your page should contribute to achieving this goal, from your value proposition to your call-to-action button.
Some examples of landing page objectives:
  • Product purchase
  • Subscribe to a newsletter
  • Special offer / sale
  • Register for a webinar
The key to landing page success
Discover additional marketing platform features
Email marketing
Email marketing
Craft personalized campaigns that captivate your audience and sell your products
AI for email
AI for email
Use AI to create better email content and send campaigns at the best time for your contacts
Marketing automation
Marketing automation
Automate your marketing campaigns from welcome series to abandoned carts, and reach your targets faster
See all features